Life in the Light
Our mission is to transform how families support
a healthier way for a better life.
Learn more about us!
Yes, we work with schools (kindergarten to college), churches, non-profits, and corporations of all types.

Voice Up Publishing Inc.
Our mission is to transform how families support a healthier way for a better life.
We focus on raising awareness about mental health and building up the ones we love using soothing rhythms, poems, and the spoken word. Let's inspire your inner voice and overcome the negative stigma of asking for help with mental health.
1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 children experience a clinically diagnosed mental health issue every year. Over 50% of adults and over 60% of children receive no treatment.
The founder of Voice Up is a Hamilton Award Winner for Outstanding Contributions to the cause of behavioral health and service to those with disabilities.
The Background Story
of J Ellington
When my son turned two years old I made a commitment to sit down and read with him every evening. I wanted him to hear the tone of my love for him, through my voice. Listening to my ideas for his future.
I shared with him how to have fun saying, playing, and sounding words. I shared with him how to have fun with his voice, embracing the cadence of our culture and the creativity of our identity. He inspired me to create a world of stories that celebrate the excellence of positive relationships and building daily habits of better mental and behavioral health.
Art Fuller, Founder
J Ellington Publishing LLC &
Voice Up Publishing Inc.

J Ellington Top 20

Art Fuller is a graduate student at the University of Indianapolis focused on transforming how families support positive mental health for the ones you love. He founded Voice Up Publishing, Inc., providing free digital children's books to kids spanning 12 countries. Request your free book today!
He is completing a dual degree, Master of Public Health / Doctor of Health Sciences, focused on raising awareness about careers in behavioral health, specifically in the most underserved communities.
Art enjoys speaking to audiences of all ages (kindergarten to adult). He has been a guest panelist for the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.
He enjoys speaking at schools, churches, non-profits, corporations, HBCUs, and higher education institutions, prioritizing supporting first-generation college learners.
Art is a healthcare executive and Hamilton Award Winner for outstanding contributions to the cause of behavioral health and service to those with disabilities. He welcomes the opportunity to visit and present the abundance of career opportunities available in mental and behavioral health (online or in person).
Click here to Request a Presentation.
Art will design a personalized presentation based on the needs of your community and welcomes the opportunity to support grant writing and community development efforts of any size or scale.
Art specializes in Workforce Innovations and has secured over $30 million in funds supporting education reform in underserved communities, spanning ten major metropolitan cities. He has personally written grants funded by the MacArthur Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, U.S. Department of Education (U.S.DOE), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Art has also helped secure over $10 million in funds supporting Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) and initiatives focused on Crisis Stabilization.
He is a nationally recognized classroom teacher and has earned a B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior; an M.Ed. in Middle School Mathematics; 24 graduate credits in School Administration (including licensure); and 45 earned doctoral credits in Educational Leadership and Policy.
Art is forming a new community of emerging students and leaders committed to mental and behavioral health. Learn more!